Formal work, Decent work
Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region

Formal work, Decent work
Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood Region

About Solifem
The Social Dialogue for Formalization and Employability in the Southern Neighbourhood (SOLIFEM peoject) is a 3-year regional project, implemented by the International Labour Organization…
A third meeting of the Project Advisory Committee took place on March 29, 2022, aiming to review project subcommittees workplans and to set log-frames targets.
A meeting was held virtually with the trade unions – CGTL and FENASOL. During the meeting, the SOLIFEM CTA introduced the project. The trade union federations agreed on the importance of a unified approach and a commitment to work together in the context of SOLIFEM.

Weak educational systems, skills mismatches, non-existent or ineffective labour-market information systems and a lack of career-planning resources, and a mismatch between the expectations of educated job seekers and the wages and prestige of available jobs, have left young people inadequately prepared to enter the labour market.
There are, however, some significant differences between the countries.
A third meeting of the Project Advisory Committee took place on March 29, 2022, aiming to …
A consultative workshop with Egyptian trade unions in addition to leaders from two agricultural …
The SOLIFEM CTA joined the ILO Regional Officer for Arab States (ROAS) team for a meeting with …
A similar workshop for the FPCCIA with 15 participants was held in February 2022, which aimed to …

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), between 42 % and 67 % of workers in the Southern Neighbourhood countries are in the informal economy.
Although in certain countries, such as Lebanon, the rate of informal employment is significantly lower among the wealthier segments of the population, in many countries informality remains significant even among this group.

For the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood Region, there is a need to promote formal and permanent mechanisms for social dialogue that address the concerns of all employers’ and workers’, including those in the informal economy.
The ILO Convention (No. 142) calls for the cooperation of social partners in vocational guidance and training policies and programmes, while Recommendation No. 195 focuses on the importance of Human Resources.
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